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Palm oil is common in personal care products. Most of the time, you won’t see “palm” in the list of ingredients.

Use this site to learn which palm oil ingredients to watch out for as well as lists of self-care products without palm oil. Please note, the lists are not guaranteed unless the products are Certified Palm Oil Free through Orangutan Alliance or the International Palm Oil Free Certification Trademark.

Some categories include soap, shampoo and conditioner, deodorant, lotion and moisturizer, toothpaste, makeup, shaving, sunscreen, lip balm, and more.

Labels Don’t Always Spell Out “Palm Oil”

Learn which palm oil derivatives are in each type of self-care product so you can learn to avoid them.

We discuss palm oil uses in these types of products and what to choose instead.

Tip: It’s better to choose bars instead of liquids to avoid palm oil.

We direct you to companies who have certified their products as Palm Oil Free. We include other palm oil free products as well.