Well, it’s another sad day as I just learned Synder’s of Hanover Pretzels now contain palm oil. I went to the grocery store this morning (07/09/24) and was going to buy a bag. I was stunned to see palm oil now listed in their ingredients. I haven’t bought pretzels in a long while, so I don’t know how new this is but it’s news to me. I have crossed them out below but please look to see how many pretzels they used to make without palm oil.
The two types of Rold Gold Pretzels on the shelf did not contain palm oil. Thank you, Rold Gold! Also, the Signature Select Pretzels (store brand) didn’t either. That’s all for my updates, please keep reading for more info.
You might think it’s easy to find palm oil free pretzels. It sometimes is, especially if you stick to original pretzels in bags. Here’s a list of pretzels without palm oil. Consumers have choices!
All of the large plastic containers of pretzels we found listed palm oil in the ingredients. You will find these at Target, Costco, Walmart, as well as in grocery stores.
Always read the ingredients for gluten-free pretzels. They often contain palm oil.
Know that while you might not see the word “palm” in the ingredients, many pretzel brands contain palm oil derivatives.
These include Vitamin E (in the form of Tocopherols), Mono- and Diglycerides, and DATEM.
Anything made with palm oil makes my son sick so we seek out palm oil free pretzels and other foods.
*READ LABELS FOR HOLIDAY packaging. They often have different ingredients!

Read labels on pretzels in large plastic containers. Many of them contain palm oil.
Pretzels without Palm Oil
Support these manufacturers who are making these pretzels without palm oil and palm oil ingredients. Please note, this list is not guaranteed; use it as a starting point.
To know for certain a product is Palm Oil Free, look for labeling from the International Palm Oil Free Trademark Certification Programme.
Rold Gold Pretzels
- Braided Honey Wheat
- Rods Original
- Sticks Original
- Thin Crisps: Buffalo Wing, Garlic Parmesan, Honey Dijon
- Tiny Twists: Original, Cheddar, and Honey Mustard
Support Rold Gold. Their original and these flavored pretzels don’t list palm oil ingredients.
Snack Factory Pretzel Crisps
- Everything
- Garlic Parmesan
- Honey Mustard & Onion
- Original; Original Minis; and Organic Original
- Sesame
Snack Factory Pretzel makes (most of) their palm oil free pretzels in original and in specialty flavors.
Update: Please watch for some of their small snack packs as some contain palm oil, especially holiday varieties.
Their Gluten Free Minis Original Pretzel Crisps are packaged for Halloween in 1 oz eight packs. “Palm oil” is clearly labeled in the ingredients.
Snyder’s of HanoverMini PretzelsSticks Pretzels
- Snaps Pretzels – This was the only one I saw that didn’t list palm oil.
Butter Snaps
Rods PretzelsThins PretzelsOlde TymeHomestyleDipping SticksSourdough Hard PretzelsHoney Wheat Braided TwistsAncient Grain Braided TwistsBlueberry Braided TwistsHalloween Pretzels (30 pack)
Support Snyder’s of Hanover’s extensive line of pretzels without palm oil ingredients.
Their website makes it very easy to find the ingredients for each of their products to determine which are free from palm oil.
SuperPretzel Soft Pretzels
- Original
- Pretzel Bites
- Multigrain
Support SuperPretzel. They make their unflavored soft pretzels without palm oil.
Tocopherols in Pretzels Are Usually Made from Palm Oil
Before buying anything, be sure to check the ingredient labels for palm oil. You will often find it in flavored pretzels. It’s in most all pretzel sandwich snacks.
Other times, you may find Vitamin E is added to pretzels in the form of tocopherols.
Food manufacturers use tocopherols in pretzels as a preservative. Manufacturers use it often to maintain freshness in foods, including in cereals and granola bars.
Tocopherols are often made from palm oil.
Unless they label the source, you won’t know if they are made from palm.
And of course, you want to avoid palm oil, palm kernel oil, and palm fruit oil.
As in the case of one Major Pretzel Manufacturer, you will see this labeled as Vegetable Oil (Corn Oil and/or Palm Fruit Oil).
Some of this manufacturer’s pretzel lines are free from palm oil products, but because so many of their regular, “plain pretzels” include it, we are not including them in this list.
Palm Oil Free Pretzels
I have checked the published ingredients for each of these pretzel products against a list of over 500 alternate names for palm oil. To the best of my knowledge, all of these pretzels are made without palm oil. However, none of them are Certified Palm Oil Free do please do your own diligence.
In addition to avoiding palm oil because it makes some people sick, many people do not want to support palm oil consumption because of the environmental concerns. The demand for palm oil continues to increase.
With our son’s palm oil allergy or palm oil intolerance, we are limited in the snacks he can safely have. See what foods he eats.
Finding Palm Oil Free Pretzels
Palm oil is so many processed foods; however, we’ve had some luck finding safe snacks. It’s in approximately 50% of packaged foods which is why it’s very important to read ingredient labels.
The issue is always that palm oil goes by so many names. There are over 500 alternate names for palm oil in foods and personal care items.
If you are looking to support companies and eat foods that are palm oil free, check out this list of snacks without palm oil and our ultimate palm oil free products list.
Also, learn to look for these palm oil-related derivatives in foods. The ingredients will begin with:
- Glyc-
- Laur-
- Palm-
- Stear-
Palm Free Pretzels
Often, smaller brands who may seem healthy, advertising quality ingredients, are using palm oil to keep their costs down.
If you know of any other pretzels without palm oil, please list them in the Comments, and I will add them to this list.
It’s very important to support these companies by buying their palm oil free products. You can find palm oil free cookies without palm oil and granola bars without palm oil.
Like with all products, there are many companies who use palm oil as an inexpensive ingredient in their pretzels, so read all ingredients.
This is to be used for reference only and is not meant to be medical advice. Please consult with your own doctor or healthcare provider if you are avoiding palm oil for health concerns.
Please be sure to read ingredient labels if you are trying to be palm oil free. Manufacturers change ingredients. Be sure to always read labels before purchasing.
Look for the Palm Oil Free certification label from the International Palm Oil Free Certification Trademark or the Orangutan Alliance to ensure products are palm oil free.
Tuesday 20th of June 2023
I noticed my child’s behavior changed when eating Snyders pretzels. I wonder if the yeast they use is safe? I have to buy a specific yeast to bake with, to avoid palm oil, and I am finding some yeast products cause a reaction. Have you ever found this to be true? Thank you so much!
Thursday 22nd of June 2023
I haven't noticed an issue with yeast. I do believe people can be allergic to yeast. I think my son was tested years ago; I believe it brewers yeast. Maybe something to look into?
Saturday 31st of December 2022
Unique brand pretzels. My favorite.
Saturday 31st of December 2022
Thanks for writing in with the suggestion of Unique Snacks brand and their pretzels. I will add their pretzels to the list. The only ones I see that contain palm oil are their varieties of Chocolate Coated Pretzels and Coated Pretzel Shells. However, palm oil is clearly stated in the ingredients, not hidden under other names. This makes it easy to avoid.
Gregory Battaglia
Monday 9th of May 2022
Canola oil may far more harmful than any oil used in food.